Music in medicine: An overview

Authors : Abhishek Halder, Ashok Kumar Nishad, Ashutosh Halder

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijca.2023.013

Volume : 10

Issue : 1

Year : 2023

Page No : 69-78

Music in medicine is in use in various medical areas like neurological disorders, developmental abnormalities, psychiatric disorders, addictive disorders, terminal disorders, etc besides perioperative care. Music in perioperative care is aimed at reducing anxiety, stress, and fear besides decreasing postoperative pain. The authors (first two) have experience in the use of pre-recorded music medicine in perioperative patient care. Preoperative music is mainly used to reduce patients’ anxiety, stress, and fear. The use of intraoperative music is controversial in surgical procedures under general anesthesia. Postoperative music, in general, is beneficial for pain management. This write-up provides an overview of published information on music in medicine, including historical and in particular perioperative care in anesthesia practice including use in cesarean section delivery. We searched PubMed and PubMed Central besides google search on “music in medicine” up to March 2022. There was no language restriction. Almost all present studies were conducted by listening to pre-recorded music, mostly via headphones. This work indicates that music in medicine, in particular music therapy, has been in use since ancient times (before the common era) and is presently incorporated intermittently in perioperative care. Music in medicine may have a beneficial effect on perioperative care. Music is inexpensive, easily administered, and without adverse effects, and can serve as a complement for reducing perioperative stress and pain besides its beneficial effects on cardiovascular & respiratory systems. Therefore, we conclude that music interventions may provide a viable adjunct to perioperative care. However, music in medicine is still an important research area and needs more properly conducted research before introduction into routine practice. 

Keywords: Music in medicine, Music therapy, Music medicine, Anaesthesia, Perioperative care, Caesarean section delivery.

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