Evaluation of pattern and treatment of osteoarticular tuberculosis in central India

Authors : Sparsh Naik, Rajesh Dulani, Sohael M Khan, Pradeep K Singh, Tanmay Dua

DOI : 10.18231/2395-1362.2018.0008

Volume : 4

Issue : 1

Year : 0

Page No : 35-40

Introduction: Tuberculosis the global epidemic continues to be a major health problem despite availability of effective chemotherapy. The main aim of the study was to analyse the pattern, clinical findings, diagnosis, and treatment options for osteoarticular tuberculosis at Tertiary care hospital so that proper treatment guidelines can be formulated for the patient.
Materials and Methods: A prospective study was performed in the tertiary care. Patients clinically diagnosed as osteoarticular tuberculosis, all the patients who were regular on anti-tubercular treatment and follow-up and all the patients with radiological evidence matching with clinical profile were included in the study. All the patients who showed histopathological evidence in favor of osteoarticular tuberculosis were also included.
The patients with only pulmonary tuberculosis, with extra pulmonary involvement, with no osteoarticular involvement were excluded from the study.
Observation and Results: The age group of patient ranged from 1-80 years, mean age was 38.11 in males and 34.5 years in females with a total mean age of 36.96 years. Sex predominance was seen in males with 68%. The distribution of the patient according to occupation farmer category showed a maximum of 56%. Socio-economic class distribution according to modified kuppuswamy classification showed most patient belonged to Upper-Lower (IV) 82% and 18% belonged to lower-middle (III) category.
Conclusion: Tuberculosis of the spine is still the most preferred site of osteoarticular tuberculosis. Spine patient usually require early surgical intervention especially those with neurological deficits. Outcomes may be maximized through early detection and treatment, although adequate results can still be achieved with salvage procedures in patients presenting with late stages of disease.

Keywords: Tuberculosis, Spine, AKT, Pattern, Treatment.

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