Neuroprotective, antiamnesic and antianxiety potentials of MEMJCM-2 in mice

Authors : Hanumanthachar Joshi, Charan C S, Maged Abdo Alkanad

DOI : 10.18231/.2018.0009

Volume : 4

Issue : 1

Year : 0

Page No : 33-38

Introduction: Memory impairments are the most disabling features of many disorders, impairing the normal daily activities of the patients and profoundly affecting their families. The current study was undertaken to ascertain the effects of MEMJCM-2 as a memory enhancing agent.
Materials and Methods: Elevated plus maze and Morris water maze were employed to evaluate acquisition and retention parameters. MEMJCM-2 (2, 5 and 10 mg/kg, p.o.) was administered to both young and aged mice. Scopolamine, diazepam and normal aging induced amnesia were the interceptive behavioral models.
Result: MEMJCM-2 (2, 5 and 10 mg/kg, p.o.) significantly improved acquisition and retention in young mice and also reversed the amnesia induced by diazepam (1 mg/kg, i.p.), and scopolamine (0.4 mg/kg, i.p.). It also significantly reversed aging induced amnesia due to natural aging of mice. MEMJCM-2 (10 mg/kg, p.o.) was found to possess potential anti-anxiety effects. MEMJCM-2 (10mg/kg, p.o.) profoundly increased whole brain acetyl cholinesterase inhibition activity.
Conclusion: MEMJCM-2 can be a useful potential memory restorative formulation in the treatment of dementia seen in the elderly.

Keywords: MEMJCM-2, Amnesia, Acquisition, Retention, Dementia, Anxiety.

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