Management of cold Abscess: A novel approach

Authors : Kundan Mehta, Gitartha Baruah, Harshad Azeem E.K., Sourabh Jain, Aditya Pandya

DOI : 10.18231/2456-012X.2018.0008

Volume : 3

Issue : 1

Year : 0

Page No : 24-25

Percutaneous abscess drainage is a widely accepted method of treatment of an accessible abscess. Consistently, poor results have been reported by various authors due to presence of infected hematomas or presence of thick, viscous and purulent material. Several studies have proven the potential benefit of fibrinolytic therapy for treating abscess especially those with thick purulent material, old blood or loculations. The present report highlights the efficacy of fibrinolytic therapy in loculated abscess.




Keywords: Cold abscess; Fibrinolytic agent; TB.



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