An autopsy study of railway fatalities

Authors : Dinesh Rao, Dinesh Rao

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijfmts.2022.011

Volume : 7

Issue : 2

Year : 2022

Page No : 46-49

Introduction: Railway fatalities are not uncommon due to the wide net across the country covering diverse regions of the nation. It is essential to understand the Injuries Pattern, Manner and Cause of Death.
Objectives: To Study the Cause of Death, Manner of Death, Pattern & Nature of Injuries in Railway Fatalities.
Matrials and Methods: A retrospective study conducted between 2009 to 2015. A total of 32 cases Reported. All cases referred to the Department of Forensic Medicine for Autopsy by the Railway Police.
Results: In the Present Study Railway Fatalities Contributed to 3.9% of the Autopsies. Major Age Group affect were 21-40 years contributing to 75% of cases. Mae to Female Ratio was 6.5:1. Suicidal Deaths Contributed to 75% of the cases. In Twenty Six Cases Body Parts were found in between the Railway Tracks and in thirty Cases Mutilated Parts were Found Distant to the Site of impact.

Keywords: Railway accidents, Railway fatalities, Railway tracks, Suicidee, Mutilated body, Avulsion, Traumatic amputation.

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