Effectiveness of peers and faculty feedback on students performance

Authors : Amruta S Bennal, R. H Takllikar2, Rashmi

DOI : 10.18231/2394-2126.2018.0041

Volume : 5

Issue : 2

Year : 0

Page No : 176-179

Introduction: In medical education, an integral and important element of teaching is feedback, as it encourages and enhances the learners knowledge, skills and professional performance.
Aims and Objective:-To know the effectiveness of feedback to students practical (clinical) skills, and students perception towards the feedback session.
Materials and Methods: A interventional and comparative study was conducted in 50 first year MBBS medical students admitted during year 2015-16. 33 students received the feedback and 17 students out of 50 students were randomly selected for not receiving feedback.
Results: There was high significant change in scores obtained with post feedback (P<0.0001) and also with the students who received the feedback. (P<0.0001) All the students felt that this is the better modality for enhancing the practical skills.
Conclusion: Appropriate feedback is necessary for improving the skills and it can have very powerful effect on learning.

Keywords: Feedback, Students, Physiology.

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