Retention and relapse: An anamnesis

Authors : Ravi Kumar Srivastava, Ragni Tandon, Kamlesh Singh, Pratik Chandra, Abhimanyu Rohmetra

DOI : 10.18231/2455-6785.2018.0004

Volume : 4

Issue : 1

Year : 0

Page No : 13-20

The problem of retention and relapse was born with the science of orthodontics and continues to persistently disturb Orthodontic researchers and clinicians. In spite of all the advances in the active treatment procedures, retention and relapse remains a problem for many practitioners. Several studies have been carried out to determine the changes taking place several years after orthodontic treatment and the influencing factors. Factors including growth, periodontium, age, third molars, tooth dimensions etc., have been held responsible for post treatment relapse. Several procedures have been devised to ensure stability and prevent or at least avoid post treatment changes so as to reduce relapse. To achieve this purpose, a proper understanding of the changes occurring, various factors affecting relapse and retention procedures is important. Thus problems of retention and the continued trend, which owes to the biological and mechanical limitations, demands to go through the state of art of this perennial problem “Retention and Relapse”.

 Keywords: Retention, Relapse, Orthodontics.

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