Starting a newer shorter MDR regimen for MDR-TB at a district TB center for the first time- A case report from a heavy center in Western Delhi

Authors : Mohammad Atif, Sankalp Yadav, Mohd Maroof

DOI : 10.18231/2581-4222.2018.0023

Volume : 3

Issue : 2

Year : 0

Page No : 87-89

Drug Resistant TB is a challenge for a country like India where there is highest prevalence of MDR cases in the world. With decentralizing and smooth accessibility of the Gene Xpert, it has become quick and easy to rule out the drug resistance. Unlike the conventional CAT-IV treatment of about 24 months, a newer shorter regimen of MDR TB treatment has been started in selected cases like pulmonary MDR-TB (when there is no resistance of FQs% or SLIs on the second line LPA). We herein, present a case of secondary pulmonary MDR-TB, who has been started on a newer shorter MDR regimen treatment for the first time at a very large and heavily burdened center in the Western part of the national capital of India.

Keywords: Gene Xpert; LPA; MDR; SLI; TB.

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