Hematological patterns of anemic patients reporting to government teritiary care centre in Mandya, South Karnataka

Authors : Shoba K L, Yogender P

DOI : 10.18231/j.achr.2019.063

Volume : 4

Issue : 4

Year : 2019

Page No : 332-336

Introduction: Anemia is a common concern in different age groups. Anemia leads to loss in physical
function, affecting quality of life and has substantial social and economic effects. Because anemia is a
sign, not a diagnosis, an evaluation is almost always warranted to identify the underlying cause.
Objectives: As anemia is most commonly seen in children in whom it leads to growth retardation, women
of reproductive age group where it can lead to maternal and child mortality and in the elderly in whom
there is greater risk of co-morbidities, impaired functional status and greater risk of death, the objective of
this study is to assess the patterns of anemia in this age groups.
Materials and Methods: A retro spective study was undertaken at Mandya Institute of Medical Sciences,
Mandya, Teritiary care centre for a period of 6 months from May 2018 to December 2018. Children (1-15
years), women o f reproductive age group (16 - 60 years), Males (20-60 yrs) and elderly (both males and
females) (>60 years) were studied. Routine hematological investigations were done by Hematological
analyzer and peripheral smear examination was done to determine the pattern and etiology of anemia.
Results: Of the total 1000 hemograms that were studied, Females were 519 (51.9%) and Males were
280 (28 %), children were 201(20.1%) with Female prep onderance. Males and Females also include
Elder patients. Most common age group in females was 16-60 years, in males was 20-6 0 years and in
children age group was from 1 month to 15 years. Commonest pattern of anemia was observed Microcytic
Hypochromic followed by Dimorphic, Macrocytic anemia and normocytic normochromic respectively.
Conclusion: Identifying anemia is an important aspect of assessment. It is essential for the further clinical
evaluation. Confirming the type of anemia is important to direct the investigation for profiling the etiology
since it is well known that the treatment of anemia has long way in improving the overall outcome and
quality of life.

Keywords: Anemia, Children, Women of reproductive age group, Elderly.

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