Comparitive evaluation of antimicrobial effectiveness of titanium oxide coatings on different types of ceramic brackets against Streptococcus mutans

Authors : SV Ramesh Goud, Raja Singamani, V Bhaskar, M Kurunji Kumaran, Mohammed Arafat, S N Reddy Duvvuri

DOI : 10.18231/j.idjsr.2022.013

Volume : 10

Issue : 2

Year : 2022

Page No : 60-64

Aim: Nanomaterials are widely used in modern clinical dentistry. They improve various properties, such as antimicrobial properties, durability of materials. These particles do not exceed 100 nm, due to they obtain a better ratio between the surface and mass. Nanomaterials are used in many areas of dentistry, such as conservative dentistry, endodontics, oral, and maxillofacial surgery, periodontics, orthodontics, and prosthetics. One of the most important complications of fixed orthodontic treatment is enamel demineralization. Brackets and orthodontic accessories facilitate plaque accumulation and compromise oral hygiene maintenance which lead to an increase in oral bacteria count during orthodontic treatment.
Materials and Methods: 30 MBT 0.022’’ monocrystalline ceramic brackets and 30 MBT 0.022’’ polycrystalline ceramic brackets (Metro Orthodontics) which are randomly divided into 4 groups: 2 control groups (group-1=15 uncoated monocrystalline and group-2=15 uncoated polycrystalline) and 2 experimental groups (group-3=15 silver oxide coated monocrystalline and group-4=15 silver oxide coated polycrystalline).
Result: S.mutans counts were significantly less in the experimental groups than control groups.
Conclusion: Titanium oxide coatings on ceramic brackets reduced the colony forming units of S. mutans. Reduced number of colony forming units was seen in both the monocrystalline and polycrystalline coated brackets than their control groups.

Keywords: Titanium oxide, Nanoparticles, Smutans, Ceramic brackets

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