Prenatal diagnosis: A cytogenetic approach

Authors : Suchitra Kumari

DOI : 10.18231/2394-6377.2018.0034

Volume : 5

Issue : 2

Year : 0

Page No : 168-171

Prenatal diagnosis is offered to patients at risk of chromosome anomalies with Abnormal ultrasound scan, Carrier of a chromosomal structural rearrangement and Elevated risk of aneuploidy indicated by biochemical and/or ultrasound screening. It is usually carried out using samples like Amniotic fluid (AF), Chorionic Villus Samples (CVS) or Foetal blood. Prenatal diagnosis involves both invasive and non -invasive techniques. Non-invasive tests are getting acceptance by the patients & obstetricians worldwide but still they are used as screening tool not as diagnostic measure. Genetic diagnosis guide in making decisions about maintaining or ending a pregnancy. So many ethical issues must be considered before screening or testing pregnancies for underlying genetic disorders. There must be compliance with legal requirements and constraints applicable to the communication of confidential information.

Keywords: Chromosome anomalies, Prenatal diagnosis, aneuploidy, Foetal blood

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