Prediction of acute appendicitis using ultrasonography and modified Alvarado score — A prospective comparative study

Authors : Devendra Atal, Dinesh Kumar Barolia, Seema Sonkariya, Sahil Gambhir

DOI : 10.18231/j.jsas.2022.002

Volume : 4

Issue : 1

Year : 2022

Page No : 10-14

Background: Acute appendicitis is not uncommon pathology but clinical diagnosis depends on skills of treating health officer. Now advancement in technology and easy availability of USG and CT scan centers make the easy diagnosis. Some time atypical presentation of acute appendicitis makes delay in diagnosis clinically. But, the modified Alvarado score make easy diagnosis of acute appendicitis and compatible to USG.
Materials and Methods: This is a prospective comparative study conducted at RNT Medical College, Udaipur. This study was done in 50 patients, who were presented with pain right lower abdomen.
Aims and Objectives: to compare the sensitivity and specificity of modified Alvarado score and USG in diagnosis of acute appendicitis.
Results: there were 28 male and 22 female in this study. Age of Youngest patient in the study was 17 years and elder most was 57 years old. Anorexia was common symptoms after pain at right iliac fossa. Appendicectomy was done in 48 cases (96%) and two cases were managed conservative. There were 34 (68%) patients who had modified Alvarado score more than 7.
Conclusion: Modified Alvarado Score is a simple, practical and quick tool in securing diagnosis of acute appendicitis when score is >7. Its results are similar to USG finding. It also helps to reduce the rate of negative appendicectomy. This study recommend appendicectomy in patients presenting with right iliac fossa pain in whom modified Alvarado score is 7 or more.

Keywords: Acute appendicitis, Appendicitis, Modified Alvarado Score, Leucocytosis, Pain abdomen

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