A comparative study of recent neuroimaging techniques to show temporal region is the most common site in focal epilepsy irrespective of age

Authors : Jaishree Tapadia, Rahul Mittal

DOI : 10.18231/2455-1732.2018.0006

Volume : 4

Issue : 1

Year : 0

Page No : 22-24

Epilepsy is a chronic disease characterized by recurrent seizures that may affect 2% of the population classification of seizures based solely on EEG and clinical findings can result in the misclassification of some patients, particularly those individuals with partial seizures that rapidly generalize. The information provided by imaging techniques can contribute to the proper classification of certain epileptic disorders in non-invasive localisation of epileptogenic foci. Neuroimaging has an important role in the investigation, localisation and treatment of patients with epilepsy. It is presently recognized that epilepsy is often associated with gross or subtle structural or metabolic lesions of the brain. Neuroimaging is mandatory in the work-up of epilepsy for localisation of the seizure focus for possible surgical cure. In this study it was concluded that that temporal lobe is most common site as epileptic lesion by different neuroimaging techniques.

Keywords: EEG, Electroencephalography, PET, Positron emission tomography, CT, Computed tomography, MRI, Magnetic resonance imaging, MRS, MR spectroscopy.

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