Spectrum of ovarian tumors in a tertiary care hospital

Authors : Priyanka D Dhende, Lalita Y Patil, Kusum Jashnani

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijpo.2021.025

Volume : 8

Issue : 1

Year : 2021

Page No : 133-139

Background: Ovarian tumors are heterogeneous group of neoplasms with wide range of histopathological patterns. It is one of the leading causes of mortality in females. Often difficult to detect until they are advanced in stage or increased in size as symptoms are vague and insidious. Treatment and prognosis is based upon accurate surgical staging and thorough pathological evaluation.
Materials and Methods: A total 150 cases were studied from June 2014 to May 2017. Their age, clinical presentation and histopathological findings were reviewed and analyzed.
Results: Out of 150 cases of ovarian tumors studied 119(79.3%) were benign, 9 (6.0%) borderline and 22 (14.6%) malignant. Age ranged from 9 to 80 years. The commonest presenting complaint in malignant and benign cases was pain in abdomen and in borderline cases abdominal distension. CA125, CEA and LDH were most commonly raised in 53.8%, 23% and 100% malignant cases respectively. Surface epithelial tumors were 68% followed by germ cell tumors 28% and sex cord stromal tumors 4%.

Keywords: CK- 7, Epithelial ovarian tumor, Mucinous tumors.

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