Study of ATD angle in epileptic patients- A parameter in palmar dermatoglyphics

Authors : Rashmi C Goshi

DOI : 10.18231/2394-2126.2018.0094

Volume : 5

Issue : 3

Year : 0

Page No : 406-409

Introduction: Dermatoglyphics is the study of quantitative and qualitative patterns of ridge in palms and soles. It is being investigated in diseases having genetic basis.
The recent evidence from adoption studies has provided a basis for the genetic contribution in generalized tonic clonic seizures. The parameter taken is ATD Angle and measured and compared between cases and controls.
Objectives: To study the ATD angle in palmar dermatoglyphic patterns in generalized tonic clonic seizure patients. To compare dermatoglyphic angle of cases with the normal population.
Materials and Methods: The ink method was followed to take palm prints. The palmar prints of 50 epileptic patients and 50 normal individuals of both sexes were collected for the study. ATD angle was measured and compared with normal.
Results: ATD angle is increased in both right and left hands of combined series of male and female epileptics and only in left hand of female epileptics which is statistically significant.
Interpretation and Conclusion: There is significant difference in the epileptic patients in various.
dermatoglyphic features when compared to controls. One of them is with respect to ATD angle. Hence, it is possible to identify ‘at risk’ population with the help of dermatoglyphics.

Keywords: Dermatoglyphics, Epilepsy, ATD angle.

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