Autonomic manifestations in diabetes mellitus: A case control study in rural population

Authors : Kailash S Mottera, Shiva Kumar

DOI : 10.18231/j.pjms.2019.016

Volume : 9

Issue : 2

Year : 2019

Page No : 60-65

Autonomic dysfunction is one which is often a disabling complication of Diabetes Mellitus. Failure to recognize the symptoms in a diabetic autonomic dysfunction may lead to a substantial morbidity and mortality, however insidious the onset may be. Thus, knowing its importance, this study features the various clinical manifestations of Autonomic Dysfunction in Diabetes, in the rural area, and by simple bedside tests. This study aims to detect cases of autonomic dysfunction and its significant correlation with Diabetes. This study was carried out on 50 patients with Diabetes Mellitus and 50 healthy controls. Autonomic function bedside tests were conducted on all study participants and the autonomic scores were calculated. Electrocardiograms were taken to calculate the corrected QT-interval. Glycemic profile was measured in all the subjects. Comparison of these parameters were done between the Diabetic and control group. Significant positive autonomic scores were observed in all the tests in diabetic group when compared to the study group. Impotence (36%), postural giddiness (30%) and sweating disturbances (26%) were the common symptoms noted among the diabetic group. Prolonged QTc interval of value greater than >0.44 was seen in 18 subjects (36%) in the diabetic group where it is seen only in 4 subjects (4%) in the control group. Among the diabetic group mean HbA1c for those with negative autonomic scores was 5.98±1.41% as compared to 7.24±2.42% with positive autonomic scores. Thus, there is an increased incidence of autonomic dysfunction among diabetic patients. The increased autonomic scores are suggestive of the same.

Keywords: Autonomic function tests, Diabetes Mellitus, HbA1c, QT interval, Autonomic neuropathy.

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