Clinico-demographic pattern of childhood onset vitiligo at a tertiary care centre in Chhattisgarh

Authors : Dilip Kumar Sa, Rakesh Kumar Patel, Akhilesh Behra, Kamalini Meher

DOI : 10.18231/2581-4729.2018.0039

Volume : 4

Issue : 3

Year : 0

Page No : 174-178

Introduction: Vitiligo is an acquired depigmenting disorder having a major impact on quality of life. Childhood onset vitiligo differs from adult onset vitiligo in demographic and clinical characteristics.
Aim: To study the clinico-demographic pattern of childhood onset vitiligo.
Materials and Methods: Consecutive patients of vitiligo attending Dermatology OPD from April, 2017 to March, 2018 with history of onset of disease before the age of 12 years were evaluated. A detailed history, examination findings, laboratory parameters and VIDA and VASI score were recorded and statistical analysis was done.
Results: Of the 120 patients recruited for the study, 48 were male and 72 were female. The mean age of onset of disease was 8.18 years. The most common age group affected was 5 to 10 years (50%). The mean duration of disease was 1.81 years. The most common site affected was head & neck (56.66%), followed by lower limb (26.66%), trunk (23.33%), upper limb (15%) and mucosa (15%). The most common site of onset was eyelids (37.5%). The most common pattern of vitiligo was segmental vitiligo (30%). Leukotrichia was found in 15% and Koebner phenomenon in 19.16%. Autoimmune association was found in 5% and association with other cutaneous conditions in 7.5%. VIDA score was +4 in 35%, +3 in 16.66%, +2 in 10%, +1 in 26.66%, 0 in 6.67% and ?1 in 5%.
Conclusion: The most common site of onset was eyelids. The most common pattern was segmental vitiligo. Autoimmune association and association with other skin disorders were less in our study.

Keywords: Childhood, Vitiligo, Leukotrichia, Koebner, Autoimmune, VIDA.

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