Comparison of the enamel surface roughness before bonding and after debonding by diamond, tungsten carbide and fiber reinforced composite burs under AFM an in-vitro study

Authors : Davis T Danny, Davis T Danny, Sugareddy , Sugareddy , Srinivas Reddy, Srinivas Reddy

DOI : 10.18231/2455-6785.2018.0029

Volume : 4

Issue : 3

Year : 0

Page No : 151-155

Introduction: The bonding of orthodontic attachments directly to etched enamel surface is an example of clinical application of a simplified procedure. With modifications of the acid etch technique and resin systems, the removal of the directly bonded attachments and finishing of the underlying enamel have become an acute clinical problem.
Aims and Objectives: To evaluate the enamel surface roughness observed under atomic force microscope (AFM) in following methods: 1. Before bonding; 2. Removal of residual resin after debonding with 3 different burs.

  1. Fine diamond bur
  2. Tungsten carbide bur
  3. Fiber reinforced composite bur

Materials and Methods: Sixty premolar teeth were divided into 3 equal groups and the buccal surface were subjected to AFM to obtain Ra, Rq, Rmax initial roughness values. The brackets were bonded with a light-cured adhesive and debonded with posterior debonding plier. Residual resin was removed with different burs in 3 groups respectively and subjected to final AFM measurements. Results of roughness were analysed with the use of repeated measurement analysis of variance and independent t-test respectively.
Results: It was found out that parametric values were statistically insignificant with P value >0.001 in prebond condition & statistically significant after resin removal with P value < 0>
Conclusion: Fiber reinforced composite bur created smoother surface after debonding when compared to diamond and tungsten carbide bur.

Keyword: Fine diamond bur, Tungsten carbide bur, Fiber reinforced composite bur, Residual resin, AFM.

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