Craniofacial trauma of 3-year-old child–Acritical case report

Authors : Rahul Tiwari, Rahul Tiwari, Heena Tiwari, Heena Tiwari, Philip Mathew, Philip Mathew, Shilpa PH, Shilpa PH, Bhaskar Roy, Bhaskar Roy

DOI : 10.18231/2395-6194.2018.0041

Volume : 4

Issue : 3

Year : 0

Page No : 173-174

Craniofacial Trauma in pediatrics and adults shows almost similar pattern of injuries. Incidence and prevalence of pediatric craniofacial trauma is comparatively less than adults. In pediatric trauma craniofacial injuries are much observed due to the large cranium is to body ratio. Management of pediatric trauma case becomes more difficult due to obvious reasons as there is less incidence of pediatric traumas which indeed lacks our experience to manage it. Pediatric craniofacial trauma requires a multidisciplinary team approach for the better management. In this case report we present a 3-year-old male child with a craniofacial trauma due to natural disaster of wall collapse.

Keywords: Pediatric, Craniofacial, Trauma, Management, Multidisciplinary.

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