Mohammed Shammas

Designation : Associate Professor

Affiliation : Ibn Sina National College

Profile ID : RP-000-7798

Date : 2023-07-09

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I am an associate professor and chairman in the department of oral and maxillofacial rehabilitation, at Ibn Sina National College for Medical Studies, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. I have over 20 years of teaching experience in various dental schools worldwide and like to constantly pursue training and professional development activities that allow me to remain aware and well-informed about novel dental practices and the cutting-edge technology being considered and pass this knowledge onto my students. I am a passionate dental educator and my role as a teacher is to function as an instructor, guide, and be a role model for my students. I strongly believe that learning is a lifelong process, hence to make an impact on the learning and teaching activities in my present job have decided to enroll in the “Health Professional Education” course conducted by the Indian Prosthodontic Society. I draw inspiration from my wife who is a doctor and two school-going children. Connect with Mohammed Shammas Email: Mobile: +966542724483

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