Dr. Suryakanta Swain

Designation : Professor and Head of Institute

Affiliation : Amity University Kolkata

Profile ID : RP-000-7250

Date : 2023-03-09

Articles List : 1

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With almost 16 years of research, and teaching experience in different academic positions, Dr. Swain has worked in the pharmaceutical fields of drug delivery, in vitro-in vivo assessment, and pharmacokinetic analysis. More than 125 International peer-reviewed publications with H-index, 26 (2800 Google Scholar Citations) on drug administration, mucoadhesive, gastroretentive, nano-selfemulsifying, and cancer therapy have been published by Dr. Swain. Thirty textbooks and three patent grants/published pertaining to new drug delivery methods and nanoparticle formulations have been published by him. Dr. Swain and team are striving to develop effective bioadhesive, self-nanoemulsifying, and site-specific delivery of phytoconstituents and other anticancer drugs for various cancer treatments. He is an expert for the optimization of numerous targeted drug delivery systems and formulation development through QbD approach. Currently he is handling a SERB-CRG Research project entitled “Understanding the role of serine hydrolases in epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT) during hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC)” of Rs 58,91,925 lacs as a Co-PI. Dr. Swain received several awards, member of the various governing bodies.

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