Herpes simplex induced erythema multiforme – A case report

Authors : Raghavendra H. Gobbur, Raghavendra H. Gobbur, Sanjeevini Umrani, Sanjeevini Umrani

DOI : 10.18231/2581-4702.2018.0029

Volume : 4

Issue : 3

Year : 0

Page No : 131-132

Erythema Multiforme is an acute inflammatory muco-cutaneous hypersensitive reaction with varied aetiology and various degrees of blistering and ulceration. Viral aetiology is most common. We report a case of herpes induced Erythema Multiforme who was managed with acyclovir. The 11 year old boy presented with pain and ulceration over his lips, target shaped lesions on palms and fever. The episode was not drug related. The presentation suggested Herpes associated Erythema Multiforme which was confirmed by Serology positive for Herpes simplex virus. The patient was treated with acyclovir for 7 days and his illness subsided. The early suspicion and initiation of treatment is necessary in management of this life threatening mucocutaneous disorder.

Keywords: Herpes simplex, Erythema Multiforme, target lesions, acyclovir

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