Comparison of successful abortion rate of mifepristone –Misoprostol combination with exrtaamniotic ethacridine lactate – misoprostol for termination of second trimester pregnancy

Authors : Hemavathi. G, Jagruthi C

DOI : 10.18231/2394-2754.2018.0107

Volume : 5

Issue : 4

Year : 0

Page No : 471-475

Abortion procedure is one of the commonly practiced procedure in practice thereby demanding a safe and effective method of abortion.
Objective: Objective of study was to compare successful abortion rate and to compare the mean induction-abortion interval.
Materials and Methods: The present was undertaken among the patients admitted to hospitals attached to J.J.M. Medical College; Bapuji hospital, women and children hospital and Chigateri general hospital Davangere during the study period from November 2016 - October 2017. Patients are randomized in two groups. Patients coming for second trimester abortion to above mentioned hospitals were assigned serial number from one to eighty and all patients with even number will be allocated to group 1 and all patients with odd number will be allocated in group 2, each group comprising 40 women each.
Results: In the present study the mean induction abortion interval for group 1 was 19.56±1.82 hours and group 2 was 14.13±2.72 hours. This was statistically significant. Of the 40 cases in each group, 37 had complete abortion i.e. 92.5% 3 cases (7.5%) from both the groups had incomplete abortion and was supplemented with check curettage in both groups.
Conclusion: Ethacridine lactate instilled extra­amniotically then by vaginal misoprostol is safer and acceptable, has short I-A interval than mifepristone – misoprostol for 2nd trimester termination of pregnancy.

Keywords: Abortion rate, Induction-abortion interval Extraamniotic; Ethacridine lactate, Mifepristone, Second trimester abortion, Misoprostol.

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