Immunohistochemical expression of p53 and Ki 67 and its histopathological correlation in lesions of cervix

Authors : Rubal Jain, Rajendra Kumar Nigam, Reeni Malik, Pramila Jain

DOI : 10.18231/2581-3706.2018.0062

Volume : 3

Issue : 4

Year : 0

Page No : 304-309

Introduction: Cervical lesions constitute one of the major health problems in Indian women accounting for major morbidity and mortality. To study p 53 and Ki 67 immunoexpression is cervical lesions is an interesting area of research.
Aims: To study immunohistochemical expression of p53 and Ki 67 in lesions of cervix and its correlation with various histopathological diagnosis and assess their utilIty in segregating high risk cases and to explore its use as diagnostic tool in suspicious cases.
Materials and Methods: Retrospective and prospective study was undertaken in Department Of Pathology in our institute from 1st January 2014- January 2016.60 cervical biopsies with known histopathological diagnosis were randomly selected and stained for immunohistochemistry expression of p 53 and Ki 67 and results were correlated with various parameters. Data was analyzed using appropriate statistical tests .Age difference was examined using on way analysis of variance (ANOVA), chi square test is applied, and for quantitative data student [t] test is applied. P value is considered significant if p<0>
Results: 42.5% benign and 50 % of neoplastic cervical lesion had p53 positivity. For Ki 67, among chronic non specific cervicitis, a score of 2 and 3 was observed in 8 and 3 cases respectively. The chronic cervicitis cases with score 3 in retrospect had histomorphology suspicious of dysplasia but were inconclusive ,a high proliferative score helped us to objectify our findings and reclassified as 2 cases of CIN2 and 1 of CIN 3 respectively .Theses results were statistically significant (p<0> correlating with its histological diagnosis.
Conclusions: Ki 67 is a helpful marker to objectify cases with inconclusive histomorphological pattern and p53 may help segregate cases into high and low risk for follow up.

Keywords: Cervix, Immunohistochemistry, Ki 67, p53.
Key Messages: Lesions of cervix especially those which are pre neoplastic and dysplasia have to be followed up closely for possible conversion to neoplasia. Immunohistochemistry expression of p53 and Ki 67 may be considered as surrogate markers for segregating high risk cases and have diagnostic implications respectively

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