Abductor reconstruction with gluteus maximus transfer in revision hemiarthroplasty

Authors : N Abhilash, Ronald Menezes, Jubin Abraham

DOI : 10.18231/2395-1362.2018.0079

Volume : 4

Issue : 4

Year : 0

Page No : 411-413

Introduction: Abductor deficiency can be a debilitating problem following hip arthroplasty surgery and causes severe pain, limp and instability.
Description of Technique: The authors had experienced abductor deficiency secondary to hemiarthroplasy following which a revision hemiarthroplasty was done and abductor reconstruction was performed using the anterior fibres of gluteus maximus. This flap served as a substitute for gluteus medius and minimus. Ultimately, both limp and pain showed prominent reduction.

Keywords: Abductor reconstruction with gluteus maximus, Revision hemiarthroplasty.

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