Comparing the accuracy of direct versus a new technique of indirect bracket placement- A clinical trial

Authors : Patil B C, Harshvardhan Reddy, Akash Kencha, Spoorthy Obalapura, Vishwanath Patil

DOI : 10.18231/2455-6785.2018.0035

Volume : 4

Issue : 4

Year : 0

Page No : 176-181

Introduction: Aim of the study was to compare the accuracy of bracket placement between direct and new indirect bonding technique in following aspects: (a) occluso-gingival bracket position (vertical) (b) mesio-distal bracket position (horizontal), (c) Angulation of brackets.
Materials and Methods: 10 patients were bonded with split-mouth approach. For each patient, two randomly selected opposite quadrants were used as indirect bonding quadrant and the other two as direct bonding quadrant drawing 20 samples. The occluso-gingival, mesio-distal bracket position accuracy in both direct and the new indirect bonding technique were measured using digital caliper and the angulations of brackets were measured with the help of photographs and surface protractor software.
Results: results showed statistical difference between direct and a new indirect bonding technique. Proving indirect bonding is more accurate than the direct bonding of braces.
Conclusion: There is difference between mean bracket placement errors for direct and indirect methods, the range of errors in the three directions assessed were greater for direct than indirect bracket placement. The magnitudes of the findings are of clinical relevance.

Keywords: Direct bonding, Indirect bonding, Surface protractor software.


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