Comparative study of UTI in high-risk pregnant patients and patients attending to ANC clinics

Authors : Roopali Gunjal, Deepa S, Ravindranath C, Sakuntala Mundary, Kiran Kavatagi, Sonal Sonawane

DOI : 10.18231/j.pjms.2022.078

Volume : 12

Issue : 2

Year : 2022

Page No : 414-416

Background: Asymptomatic bacteriuria, UTI and pyelonephritis increase risk of preterm labour and premature rupture of the membranes which results indirectly in worse foetal outcome which was highlighted in this study. Also, the number of drug resistant pathogens are increasing as these high-risk pregnant patients are more prone for instrumentation, procedures which indirectly exposes the patients to hospital acquired pathogens.
Materials and Methods: In this prospective study, a total of 200 mid-stream urine samples were collected aseptically from randomly selected high risk pregnant women (100) and (100) from normal ANC patients attending ANC clinics.
Results: Out of 100 samples in high-risk pregnancy patients, 44% yielded monobacterial growth, 8% yielded polybacterial growth. was most common (46%), (25%), (15.3%), 3.8%, 2%. 26.9% showed growth >10CFU/ml, 32.6% showed growth 10– 10 CFU/ml, 15.3% showed growth <10> Conclusion: So, there should be a proper management guideline whenever the pregnant females presents with complication. The organism should always be tested for sensitivity before starting empirical antibiotic treatment. Also, the number of ANC visits should be monitored judiciously as to know if we are not unknowingly bombarding the pathogens in normal patients.
Keywords: UTI, High­Risk Pregnancy, Asymptomatic Bacteriuria, Pyelonephriti

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