Evaluation of role of hematological parameters in patients with covid-19 infection: A study at tertiary care centre

Authors : Vijay C. Popat, Shamim Sheikh, Neeru Dave

DOI : 10.18231/j.pjms.2022.079

Volume : 12

Issue : 2

Year : 2022

Page No : 417-422

Background: SARS COV2 is the third known corona virus responsible for fatal respiratory illness in humans. The initial clinical features of the disease are quite often non-specific & not all suspected patients can be tested to exclude or confirm the disease. Abnormalities in the routine laboratory tests particularly haematological tests have the potential to indicate in a quick, practical & economical way, the need for a specific laboratory test for the diagnosis for SARS COV2. Besides these tests help in assisting the prognosis of the disease & in the optimization of its clinical monitoring.
Materials and Methods: The present study was prospective & observational done in the department of pathology by observing the haematological parameters of 1000 COVID positive patients admitted in the COVID hospital of a tertiary care centre. The CBC (1000 pts), coagulation profile (250 pts), ESR (100 pts) as well as peripheral smear examination (1000 pts) was done with the collected samples.
Results: 1000 samples were receives for CBC which was run in 5 part Horiba analyzer & significantly higher values were found in TLC, Neutrophil count as well as N:L ratio, while lymphocyte values were significantly decreased. Thrombocytopenia was present in a significant number of patients & so were high ESR values. Coagulation profile was significantly deranged & so were the peripheral smear findings.
Conclusion: Hematological abnormalities in COVID 19 are related with disease progression, severity & mortality.

Keywords: COVID 19 disease, haematological abnormality, coagulation profile, N: L ratio

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