A comparative study of relation of PEFR and anemia in pregnant and non-pregnant females

Authors : Asra Tayyab, K Anil Kumar, K Amrutha Kumari

DOI : 10.18231/2394-2126.2019.0011

Volume : 6

Issue : 1

Year : 2019

Page No : 45-48

Introduction: Anemia is commonly present among women in India and more so in the pregnant females. Anemia has potential adverse effects on the mother and the fetus.
Objectives: to study the physiological responses of PEFR and Hb levels in pregnant and non-pregnant females.
Materials and Methods: 100 female subjects were selected for the present study out of which 50 were pregnant women in different trimesters of pregnancy and 50 controls of the same age group. A new European Union Peak flow meter was used for determining the PEFR. Data was analyzed using unpaired student’s t-test.
Results: PEFR as well as Hb was found to be significantly lower among the pregnant females compared to non-pregnant controls (p=0.00).
Conclusion: PEFR is decreased in pregnancy as the changes in pulmonary function are attributed to the mechanical pressure of enlarging gravid uterus elevating the diaphragm and restricting the movements of the lungs. The changes in Hemoglobin levels are attributed to the physiological demands of hemoglobin during pregnancy.

Keywords: Hemoglobin, PEFR peak expiratory flow rate, Anemia.

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