Nutritional management in stevens johnson syndrome

Authors : Edwina Raj, Edwina Raj, Chetan Gingeri, Chetan Gingeri, Aruna Devi, Aruna Devi, Qurathulain , Qurathulain

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijnmhs.2019.005

Volume : 2

Issue : 1

Year : 2019

Page No : 20-22

Steven Johnson syndrome also known as Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis (Ten) is a severe hypersensitivity reaction which not only involves the skin but the mucosal membrane as well. This disease is caused due to sulpha drugs, antiepileptics, and antibiotics. This case report of a 5 year old boy who was admitted with general symptoms like cough, fever, rash and redness of the eyes with worsening of the symptoms. The medical treatment or procedures done at the hospital were (1) Amniotic Membrane Graft/ Amniotic Membrane Transplantation and (2) Collagen Dressing for the skin. Nutrition plays an important role for the growth, development, mucosal healing and faster recovery of the patient. The Purpose of effective nutrition management in SJS is to promote wound healing, positive nitrogen balance, weight preservation, immune function, and host defense mechanisms which is necessary for survival and prevent malnutrition. SJS is a highly catabolic state which requires an increase in dietary calorie and protein intake, in SJS only oral intake is not sufficient due to the damage of the oral mucosal membrane hence enteral nutrition is mandatory where supplements are given to meet the daily dietary requirements, the supplement provided to the patient was semi elemental to meet the requirements, for faster growth, repair and recovery.

Keywords: Stevens johnson syndrome, Nutrition in toxic epidermal necrolysis, Enteral nutrition, Partially hydrolysed semielemental formula

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