Analysis of ocular complications of isolated facial nerve paralysis in a teaching hospital

Authors : Sheetal , Sheetal , P Anuradha, P Anuradha

DOI : 10.18231/2395-1451.2019.0023

Volume : 5

Issue : 1

Year : 2019

Page No : 102-104

Objective: To analyze the various causes of facial nerve paralysis and its ocular complications (which can lead to permanent loss of vision) in our hospital.
Design: Prospective study.
Materials and Methods: A sample of 32 patients with facial nerve paralysis who attended our hospital for one year from October 2016 to September 2017 were taken for the study. A thorough neurological and ENT examination was done for all cases. Visual acuity, extra ocular movements, Bell’s phenomenon, fluorescein staining of cornea, slit lamp examination and fundus examination was done for all cases.
Results: 22 cases were due to Bell’s palsy (68.75%), 5 case were due to complication of mastoid & parotid surgery (15.62%), 3 cases were due to trauma (9.375%) , one case was congenital (3.125) and one case was due to diabetes (3.12%). Only 10 cases (31.25%) showed corneal staining (exposure keratitis) of which only 3 cases required lateral tarsorrhaphy (9.375).
Conclusion: Most common cause of isolated facial nerve paralysis was found to be Bell’s palsy. Most common ocular complication was exposure keratopathy and rarely corneal ulceration.

Keywords: Bell’s palsy, Fluorescein staining, Exposure keratitis, Lateral tarsorrhaphy.

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