Prevalence and association of dental caries and dental fluorosis in fluoride endemic region of Mewat district, Haryana, India

Authors : Amita Sharma, Sakshi , Rachit Sharma, Naresh Kumar

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijohd.2019.007

Volume : 5

Issue : 1

Year : 2019

Page No : 27-31

Introduction: High fluoride concentration in drinking water causes dental fluorosis. Also fluoride is used to prevent dental caries as fluoride combines with calcium from teeth and forms calcium fluorapatite crystals which are resistant to acid dissolution. But dental caries is also prevalent among those having dental fluorosis. The present study aims to determine the prevalence of dental caries and dental fluorosis and an association between dental caries and dental fluorosis in the fluoride endemic region of Mewat district, Haryana.
Materials and Methods: A total of 800 students aged between 10-18 years in various schools of the Mewat district of Haryana were examined for dental caries and fluorosis which were divided into 3 groups as Group I(10-12 years), Group II(13-15 years) and Group III(16-18 years) using DMFT index and Dean’s Fluorosis index (modified criteria-1942) respectively.
Results: Out of 800 students examined, 635(79.4%) had caries while 165(20.6%) had no caries. In case of fluorosis prevalence, 407(50.8%) students had no fluorosis whereas 393(49.21%) had fluorosis. When association between fluorosis and caries was seen, 328(41%) had both dental caries and fluorosis.
Conclusion: According to the results of the present study, significant association between dental caries and dental fluorosis was observed in age group 10-12 years. In addition, DMFT score was high in students having fluorosis mainly in age group 13-15 years which shows direct relationship among caries prevalence and fluorosis.

Keywords: Dental caries, Dental fluorosis, Dean’s Fluorosis Index (modified criteria 1942), DMFT index.

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