Evaluation of basic life support knowledge and the impact of basic life support training on pre-clinical and clinical undergraduate MBBS students

Authors : Dhavalkumar C Patel, Mitali K Ahir, Trupti U Nayaka

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijca.2019.037

Volume : 6

Issue : 2

Year : 2019

Page No : 198-202

Introduction: There is increased risk of severe morbidities or death from sudden cardiovascular incidence, stroke, choking and drowning if not resuscitated by first responders at the site of crisis.
Health care professional are expected to be competent in resuscitate technique from their initial posting and demand for BLS training is increasing worldwide.
Objectives: Aim was to assess the awareness about Basic Life Support (BLS) among the undergraduate MBBS students. Simultaneously we have investigated impact of our BLS training by the post-training evaluation and the feedback from student’s performance.
Materials and Methods: Study group comprised of 432 undergraduate MBBS students from medical college. We had divided students in pre-clinical 1st & 2nd year and clinical for 3Rd 1st & final year MBBS students. We had constructed questionnaire having multiple choice questions. Questionnaire, lecture and videos of BLS were prepared based on 2015 American Heart Association Resuscitation Council.
Results and Discussion: In our study only 2% from male and only 1.56% from females were already BLS trained, showing gross lack of BLS training. When we compare the pre-test between inter group it was showing p value of 0.899 (mean score 10.6±2) and post-test inter group it was 0.913 (Mean sore 16.8±1.8), showing insignificant. But, when we compare pre-test and post-test in pre-clinical students and for the clinical (intra group) it was showing p value of 0.000001(<0> Conclusion: From this study we come to know that knowledge of BLS/CPR is so less in our study groups. But we can improve this by frequent lectures and hands on training in under graduate students. Hence it is essential to train the medical students from the beginning from their MBBS training.

 Keywords: Basic life support, CPR (Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation), Cardiovascular arrest, MBBS students, Feedback, Medical college, AED (Automated External Defibrillator), Mannequin.

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