Clinical course of ectopic pregnancy in a tertiary center: Observational study

Authors : Pratiksha Gupta, Sanjana Narula Wadhwa

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijogr.2019.047

Volume : 6

Issue : 2

Year : 2019

Page No : 202-210

Objective: Ectopic pregnancy is a life-threatening obstetric emergency. The objective of the study was to highlight the incidence, clinical profile and the management of ectopic pregnancy.
The study was conducted in Obstetrics and Gynecology department of ESIC PGIMSR Delhi over one year. It was an observational study.
Materials and Methods: Pregnant women presenting in gynaecology emergency with pain abdomen or bleeding per vaginum or history suggestive of ectopic pregnancy in first trimester were assessed for intrauterine or extrauterine pregnancy. Written informed consent was obtained from each patient prior to the treatment. All pregnant women with intrauterine pregnancies were excluded. 77 pregnant women were found to have extrauterine pregnancy. All Hemodynamically stable cases were managed conservatively. Hemodynamically compromised cases were managed surgically. Surgical procedure performed was salpingectomy. These cases were followed with weekly beta hCG till it normalized.
Outcome: Incidence, Age, Parity and the treatment given.
Results: Incidence of ectopic pregnancy in the institution was 2.01%. 46.7% cases were among age group 20-30 years. Multigravida 46.7% were having more ectopic pregnancy. 99% of extrauterine pregnancy were located in the Fallopian tubes. 38.9% presented between 4-6 weeks period of gestation 10.3% managed conservatively. 11.6% were chronic ectopic pregnancies were operated. Salpingectomy was the main surgical procedure.
Conclusion: Thus, high index of clinical suspicion of ectopic pregnancy must be kept in mind. Early diagnosis and prompt treatment can help in reducing maternal mortality and morbidity.

Keywords: Ectopic pregnancy, Salpingectomy, Fallopian tube.

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