To study the correlation of diabetic retinopathy with glycosylated haemoglobin and body mass index in type II diabetes

Authors : Munish Dhawan, Munish Dhawan, S P Singh, S P Singh, Karan Badhan, Karan Badhan

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijceo.2019.053

Volume : 5

Issue : 2

Year : 2019

Page No : 222-226

Introduction: It is well established that chronic hyperglycaemia is one of the main risk factors for DR. There are variable reports with inconsistent findings of HbA1c values with severity of diabetic retinopathy. Overweight and obesity have become a growing public health problem in affluent societies leading to chronic diseases like diabetes. Some studies have demonstrated relationship between obesity or higher BMI and an increased risk of DR.
Aims and Objectives: To study correlation of diabetic retinopathy with glycosylated haemoglobin and body mass index (BMI) in type II diabetics having diabetes for more than 5 years.
Materials and Methods: Type 2 diabetic patients having diabetes for more than 5 years have been included in this study. We have not included patients with type I diabetes, secondary diabetes or patients who have already taken treatment for diabetic retinopathy. Detailed ophthalmic examination including fundus examination was done for all patients and severity of diabetic retinopathy was noted for every patient. HbA1c value and BMI was measured for every patient. Correlation of DR with HbA1c and BMI was analysed.
Results and Conclusion: Severity of diabetic retinopathy increases as the age and duration of diabetes increases. High BMI was risk factor for development of diabetic retinopathy and severity of DR increases as BMI value increases. Higher HbA1c values were associated with increased risk and severity of diabetic retinopathy.

Keywords: Age, Body mass index, Diabetes mellitus, Fasting blood sugar, Glycosylated haemoglobin, Obesity.

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