Retinoblastoma: changing trend in a tertiary eye centre

Authors : Hom Bahadur Gurung, Ben Limbu, Ang Jangmu Lama, Hamish Brown, Rohit Saiju

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijceo.2019.059

Volume : 5

Issue : 2

Year : 2019

Page No : 252-256

Purpose: Retinoblastoma though a rare disease is the most common intraocular malignancy in the paediatric population. The age of presentation, clinical picture and modes of treatment has been changing with time in developing countries. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the changing trend and know our current status on retinoblastoma.
Materials and Methods: Five years retrospective study of retinoblastoma patients at a tertiary eye centre in Kathmandu.
Results: Seventy-four eyes of 62 patients fulfilled the inclusion criteria. There was equal gender distribution. Eighty percent had unilateral retinoblastoma while twenty percent had bilateral retinoblastoma. Unilateral cases presented late (32.23 months) while bilateral cases presented earlier (19 months). 71% patients presented with leukocoria while only 11% presented with proptosis. Sixty-four eyes underwent destructive procedure (60 enucleation and 4 exenteration) and 10 eyes were managed with LASER.
Conclusion: Retinoblastoma patients are presenting earlier with leukocoria as common mode of presentation. Eye saving management of retinoblastoma are in rising trend in recent years.

Keywords: Retinoblastoma, Leukocoria, Enucleation, Nepal.

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