Darier’s Disease: A rare genodermatosis

Authors : Divya V, Sudha V

DOI : 10.18231/j.jdpo.2019.032

Volume : 4

Issue : 2

Year : 2019

Page No : 153-155

Darier’s disease or darier white disease or keratosis follicularis is a rare inherited autosomal dominant genodermatosis which are clinically characterized by multiple hyperpigmented, firm , greasy, warty lesion usually in seborrhoeic distribution. They also show palmar pits, and mucosal involvement. Histologically they present with suprabasal splitting of epidermis with presence of acnatholytic and dyskeratotic cells. we report a case of a female of 30years old who shows clinical and histological features of dariers disease.

Keywords: Genodermatosis , Darier’s disease, Keratotic papules, Dyskeratosis, Hyperpigmented papules.

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