Sexual issues in dementia: An overview

Authors : Pragya Lodha, Pragya Lodha, Avinash De Sousa, Avinash De Sousa

DOI : 10.18231/j.tjp.2019.003

Volume : 5

Issue : 1

Year : 2019

Page No : 7-11

Dementias are the most common type of neurodegenerative disorders. Behavioral disturbances are seen in 50-80% of patients suffering from these disorders. Sexually inappropriate behaviors are not as common as other behaviors seen in dementia but may be seen in 7-30% subjects. These behaviors cause a lot of distress to all those who are affected along with shame and embarrassment. Sexual behaviors in dementia lie on a spectrum that may range from mild or benign to severe. There are no rigorous clinical studies for the treatment of these behaviors and there is no fixed classification for the types of behavior either. There is sparse data that suggest efficacy for some commonly used treatment modalities in dementia. In this chapter, we review the various aspects of these behaviors, their types and the available treatment for the same.

Keywords: Sexual issues, Dementia, Sexuality, Sexually inappropriate behavior.

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