Retrospective study of synovial biopsies-Tertiary centre experience

Authors : Jayanthi K.J, Niranjan M.R

DOI : 10.18231/j.achr.2019.024

Volume : 4

Issue : 2

Year : 2019

Page No : 128-132

Introduction: Advancement in medical technology has increased life expectancy. Replacement surgeries have become a common procedure because of aging, affordable population. Also, awareness and affordability of simple techniques like synovial biopsies help in specific diagnosis and treatment. As our hospital is a tertiary government orthopaedic institution, replacement surgeries are done regularly. There are few published data and literature on synovial lesions. Hence, we took up this study to analyse the pattern of synovial lesions.
Aim and Objectives: To study the histopathological spectrum of synovial biopsies done for diagnostic evaluation and during replacement surgeries.
Materials and Methods: The present study comprised of retrospective analysis of synovial lesions diagnosed from July 2015 to June 2018 at Sanjay Gandhi Institute of Trauma & Orthopedics, Bangalore. Total of 214 biopsies were analyzed. Relevant clinical and radiological details were obtained. Synovial biopsy specimens were processed routinely and wherever necessary special stains like Zeihl -Neelsen stain for AFB and Prussian blue stain for hemosiderin were carried out. Lesions were classified under main categories of inflammatory joint diseases, degenerative joint diseases and tumor and tumor like conditions.
Results: In our study, the common age groups affected were between 50-70years. Males were affected more. Most common symptoms were pain and swelling. Knee was the commonest joint involved. Most common histopathological diagnosis was chronic nonspecific synovitis followed by tuberculous synovitis, septic arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Also cases of benign tumors such as synovial lipoma arborescence, synovial lipoma, chondromatosis, and pigmented villonodular synovitis were noted in present study.
Conclusion: Histological analysis of synovial biopsies proves to be a valuable tool in establishing an early and specific diagnosis.

Keywords: Synovial biopsy, Histopathology, Non specific synovitis.

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