Breathanalysis of expired carbonmonoxide and its correlation with symptoms of toxicity among urban automobile drivers

Authors : Chitra M, Baskara Amsath Raja R, M Semmal

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijcap.2019.033

Volume : 6

Issue : 2

Year : 2019

Page No : 144-147

Introduction: Automobile emissions form the leading cause of air pollution in urban areas. Carbonmonoxide (CO) is one among the six major pollutants of air caused by vehicles. Because it is colourless, odourless and tasteless gas, exposure can cause symptoms which can be unobserved. Drivers are at risk as exposure is maximum, posing an occupational hazard.
Aim: To screen the urban automobile drivers for exhaled breath Carbonmonoxide (eCO) and to correlate eCo with symptoms experienced that may be due to CO exposure.
Materials and Methods: A cross sectional observation of Breathanalysis of automobile drivers (n=101) for expired CO (eCO) was done using CO Breathanalyser (Vitalograph 29700). Data regarding age, duration of exposure, hours spent in driving per day, other sources of exposure such as smoking status, history of passive smoking, exposure to coal fire in the household, place of work were obtained. Symptoms pertaining to CO exposure like headache, body pain, tiredness, and visual disturbances like irritation of eye, redness, neurological and preexisting medical condition were analyzed for correlation with eCO.
Results: Mean expired carbonmonoxide, eCO in breath was 2.45 ppm in the study group of urban drivers with mean age 39.96. In 87% of the drivers, eCO was 6ppm. 12.9% of drivers had more than 6 ppm of eCO. 22.8% of drivers exhibited eCO between 3-4 PPM. Analysis of symptoms revealed, tiredness (27%), eye symptoms like irritation and redness (10%), headache (20%), body pain (8%) & fatigue (7%). Significant correlation was observed with body pain (P = 0.04) and fatigue (P=0.03).
Conclusion: Urban drivers are regularly exposed to immense automobile vehicle exhaust which can inflict carbonmonoxide toxicity and impair working capacity.

Keywords: Urban air pollution, Drivers, Carbonmonoxide, Breathanalysis.

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