Relationship of skeletal malocclusion classification and sagittal lip position in children

Authors : Erwina Maya Astari, Ratna Indriyanti, Inne Suherna Sasmita, Willyanti Soewondo, Risti Saptarini Primarti

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijohd.2022.047

Volume : 8

Issue : 3

Year : 2022

Page No : 249-255

Malocclusion diagnosis can be established through history taking, clinical examination, and evaluation of diagnostic records in the form of study models, clinical photographs, and cephalometric radiographs. Cephalometric radiograph is an important data for evaluating the craniofaciodental relationship and for assessing the soft tissue matrix. The purposes of this study were to describe the position of the sagittal lip based on Jefferson's class I, II, and III classification of skeletal malocclusions, as well as, to see the relationship between the skeletal classification and the position of the sagittal lip in children. The research method used was analytic cross-sectional, consisting of 90 secondary data of pediatric patients (age 8-12 years) at RSGM, Padjadjaran University, Bandung. This study used Jefferson's analysis to determine the skeletal classification and Sushner's analysis to determine the position of the sagittal lips. The data then were analyzed using Kendall Concordal analysis and Spearman Rank correlation. The results showed that the sagittal lip position in the three skeletal malocclusions was more protrusive than the normative value. There was a statistically significant relationship between the skeletal malocclusion class and the position of the upper and lower lip (at 80%, p-value = 5.69E-32 <0>  

Keywords: Malocclusion, Cephalometric radiograph, Skeletal classification, Sagittal lip position.

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