Tooth resurrection: Life after death

Authors : Akanksha Jain, Vineeta Nikhil, Preeti Mishra, Karan Bansal, Abhinav Jain

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijce.2019.009

Volume : 4

Issue : 2

Year : 2019

Page No : 42-48

Tissue engineering is an emerging domain. Very soon it will be possible to produce a complete vital tooth from a single stem cell. Pulp revascularization is based on the ability of residual pulp and apical and periodontal stem cells to differentiate. These cells are highly potent to create a highly vascularized and a vital conjunctive tissue, which can colonize the available pulp space. This technique is specifically indicated for teeth with incomplete root formation as a substitute for the traditional treatment of apexification, which consists of placing calcium hydroxide paste into the root canal for a stipulated period of time in order to trigger the formation of a calcified barrier. Therefore, there has been an indefinite search for alternatives which allow the full development of immature teeth. Revascularization is a recent treatment module for immature necrotic permanent teeth.

Keywords: Tissue engineering, Stem cell, Pulp revascularization, Apexification, Immature teeth.

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