A Study of pattern of neck injuries in the victims autopsied at tertiary care medical college and hospital of North Karnataka

Authors : Faisal Nasim Gilani, Ashokkumar Rajaput, E S.Goudar

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijfmts.2019.007

Volume : 4

Issue : 2

Year : 2019

Page No : 28-33

Introduction: Death due to neck injuries are invariably encountered in medicolegal work. Injuries to neck causing death can occur in different manner and different circumstances.
Objectives: To know about the neck wounds, neck structures (organs) commonly involved, agents, manner and cause of death due to neck injuries.
Material and Methods: 208 victims of neck injuries were autopsied at Al-Ameen Medical College Mortuary and District Hospital Mortuary, Bijapur (Karnataka) from June 2011 to May 2014. It was a one year retrospective and two years prospective study.
Results: Out of 208 victims of neck injuries autopsied, most vulnerable age group was 21-30 yrs (30.76%) followed by age group 31-40yrs (27.88%). Cervical vertebrae fracture and dislocation was the most common skeletal injury in neck region (18.26%). It was found that Suicide by hanging (40.38%) was the most common manner of death followed by road traffic accidents (31.73%). Major cause of death was mechanical asphyxia (53.84%).
Conclusion: Neck injuries constitute a potential factor in increasing the amount of mortality and morbidity. The conclusions evolved from the present study may be useful in medicolegal work and if possible to make suggestions for prevention and safety measures.

Keywords: Manner, Agents and Cause of death, Neck organs involved.

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