Authors : Hemant Singla, Hemant Singla, Bhavika Kalra, Bhavika Kalra, Amoldeep Kaur, Amoldeep Kaur, Rashi Bahl, Rashi Bahl
DOI : 10.18231/j.ijohd.2022.051
Volume : 8
Issue : 3
Year : 2022
Page No : 269-273
Facial space infection is the most common infection, which is considered as the life-threatening problem. It occurs due to the poor oral hygiene and other etiological factors such as tooth infection, decreased immunity. The main path of the spread of the infections is the odontogenic path. The patients having the habit of smoking, tobacco use, chewing areca nuts etc. are at the high risk of having odontogenic infection. So the odontogenic infections are considered as the origin of space infections. Out of which the submandibular space infections is the most common. Mostly it occurs due to the periapical infection and pericoronitis around the mandibular third molar. In this report we have described 38 years old female with the submandibular space infection which appeared 10 days after visiting a local dentist. The clinical characterstics were seen and the management of submandibular space infection was done.
Keywords: Submandibular, Odontogenic infection.