Recruitment metrics and accomplishments: A study with reference to information technology sector

Authors : K DV Prasad, Mrutyunjaya Rao, Rajesh Vaidya

DOI : 10.18231/j.jmra.2019.020

Volume : 6

Issue : 2

Year : 2019

Page No : 106-111

In this research article, a case study with information technology sector we report the results of the application of recruitment metrics for fulling the hiring accomplishments. The recruitment metrics – source mix including Recruiter, referrals, campus hire, linkedIN, twitter, Facebook (social networking sitews), WhatsApp to instantaneously share the job description, digital brochures for sharing relevant information over mobile to understand the basic elements of job details like job tile, location, salary, level of experience, company website, skills required, and quality of hire, ageing analysis were applied for the recruitment process. The quality of hire was measured based on the results of the performance appraisal system of employee having evaluated the same at regular intervals during employees’ tenure.  To measure the quality of hire the six independent variables of i) Knowledge in Job, ii) level of skill, iii) Job execution, iv) Initiative of an employee, v) Client orientation, vi) Team work, under Performance score were measured. The authors also presented the hiring accomplishment analysis of Tier I, Institutes and observed significant differences in hiring accomplishments. The data was collected using convenience sampling or availability sampling a non-probability sampling from several IT organizations (n=34) with sample size of (n=1027). The authors presented an analysis of candidates’ survey score using a five-point Likert type scale and similar scale was used for measuring quality of hire using performance appraisal system. The Cronbach alpha value for both scales 0.76 and 0.82 respectively indicating a high reliability and validity of the instrument.

Keywords: Recruitment metrics, Hiring accomplishment, Source mix, Measuring quality of hire.

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