Fluoride toxicity: A review article on adverse effects of fluoride

Authors : Archana Aggarwal, Priyanka Bhushan

DOI : 10.18231/j.sujhs.2019.002

Volume : 5

Issue : 1

Year : 2019

Page No : 3-4

Fluoride is an element & is used for various purposes in dentistry. Dental caries is prevented by the usage of fluoride. Fluoride is used in the form of milk, water, tablets etc. Fluoride acts as a double- edged- sword. Fluoride used in recommended safe values is beneficial for health, but it can be toxic if overdose. Fluoride toxicity can lead to damage of brain, kidney, bones etc. depending on the dosage.

Keywords: Fluoride, Dental fluorosis, Skeletal fluorosis, Fluoride toxicity, Acute Fluorosis, Chronic fluorosis, Dental caries, Prevention.

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