To study and evaluate the efficacy of alpha 1 a-d receptors antagonist tamsulosin

Authors : T S. Bhagat, Pankaj Solanki, Rohit Bhagat, Shalabh Gupta

DOI : 10.18231/j.sujhs.2019.009

Volume : 5

Issue : 1

Year : 2019

Page No : 35-39

Introduction: Effectiveness of tamsulosin in distal urolithiasis, which provide drastically comfort to the patient, considering stone expulsion, renal colic, expulsion time and costs.
Aim: To evaluate efficacy of tamsulosin in the expulsion of distal ureteral stones and to determine expulsion rate and time.
Materials and Methods: An interventional study was conducted in the department of surgery, Santosh Medical College and Hospital, Ghaziabad. 100 patients were included in study from 15–45 years of age and both sexes having a single unilateral stone of 2–8 mm size. Patients having multiple or bilateral stones, renal insufficiency, UTI, urinary retention, malignancy, history of previous surgery, hypersensitivity, taking calcium-antagonist or corticosteroid, renal abnormalities, were excluded from the study.
Results: The results showed an important role of tamsulosin for conservative expulsion of distal ureteric stones up to 8mm. There was no statistical significant difference in age and calculus size in the 61 males and 39 females. Ureteric calculi were more common on left side (56 patients) than right side (44 patients). Symptoms included flank pain in 100% of patients, dysuria in 17, vomiting in 10, haematuria in 6 patients. The diagnosis was confirmed by USG-KUB, X-Ray KUB or both. IVP helped in 1 case. 82% expulsion rate with tamsulosin, mostly within 1 week and with 1 mean colic episode was observed, better for smaller and left sided stones.
Conclusion: Medical expulsive therapy with tamsulosin should be considered between conservative and surgical management.

Keywords: Ureteric colic, Lower end ureter, Alpha 1 a-d receptors, Tamsulosin.

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