Rehabilitation of patient with ocular defects-Case report

Authors : Subodh Shrestha, Subodh Shrestha, Kaushik Kumar Panday, Kaushik Kumar Panday, Pratibha Katiyar, Pratibha Katiyar, Fauzia Tarannum, Fauzia Tarannum, Shaily Tyagi, Shaily Tyagi

DOI : 10.18231/j.aprd.2019.011

Volume : 5

Issue : 2

Year : 2019

Page No : 46-49

Eyes are precious part of our body. Loss of an eye not only cause psychological trauma to patient but also impaired vision. Rehabilitating patients with prosthetic eye would give them social acceptance and good cosmetic results. A step by step, prosthodontic management of right eye defect in old age patient is described in this paper.

Keywords: Ocular defect, Rehabilitation, Eye prosthesis.

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