Review on biodentine: A boon to pediatric dentistry

Authors : Deepashree Rajendraprasad

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijohd.2019.014

Volume : 5

Issue : 2

Year : 2019

Page No : 55-58

BiodentineTM, a new bioactive cement soon after its launch has drawn attention of all dental practitioners across the world for its superior characteristics. It is widely recommended for its wide spectrum of clinical applications in Pediatric dentistry. This literature review systematically summarizes the availability, composition, properties of biodentine. In nut shell, biodentine is able to function as a reliable alternative and comprises of a much brighter future outlook compared to the conventional cements which are being employed commonly.

Keywords: BiodentineTM, Characteristics, Pediatric dentistry, Composition, Properties.

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