Scanning electron microscopic evaluation of root surface morphology after root planing with curettes and ultrasonic perio mini-tip: An in vitro study

Authors : Abhishek Sinha, Sandeep Kaur, Kirandeep Kour

DOI : 10.18231/j.ijohd.2019.023

Volume : 5

Issue : 2

Year : 2019

Page No : 104-112

Mechanical removal of plaque and calculus along with bacterial toxins from the root surface by root planing is an effective means of altering the etiology of inflammatory periodontal disease which can be achieved by manual instruments (curettes) as well as ultrasonics. Curettes routinely leave a smear layer, remove more amount of root substance and take a longer time to achieve the desired root surface smoothness. On the other hand, ultrasonic instruments are easy to use, cause less operator fatigue and provide simultaneous flushing by the coolant spray. However, their only drawbacks include bulky working tips, risk of gouging the root surface if not used properly and poor tactile sensation. But the problem of bulky working tips have been overcome to a great extent by the introduction of micro-ultrasonic tips and slimline inserts, specially designed for root debridement purposes. Through this study, an attempt has been made to compare and evaluate the micro-topography of the root surface under scanning electron microscope, following instrumentation with curettes as well as ultrasonic perio mini-tip.

Keywords: Root planing, Curettes, Ultrasonic perio mini-tip, Scanning electron microscope.

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